MYNIC Domain is a country level website name (Malaysian Domain) which are used to remember the internet address of your website. MYNIC domain can be purchased only by Malaysian individual or Malaysia based registered company under SSM. MYNIC domain name is unique and it will be permanently yours if you continue to make renewal every year before the expiry date.
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MYNIC Domain Pricing
List of the available domain name that you able to register in our website.,,
Terms & Conditions
- All domains quoted on MYR (Malaysian Ringgit).
- All the prices stated on the page are fixed unless it is specified as promotion.
- All the domains have renewal fees as per stated on the domain pricing table.
- All the domains switch to VISHTECH will have to pay transfer fees. Your domain subscription will automaticly increase by 1 year upon transfer process completed.
- All the domain sale promotions are only open to Malaysian Citizens and Businesses Registered in Malaysia.
- For *MYNIC domain registration, please email a copy of supporting documents to [email protected]. Please remember to state the domain name you wish to purchase in your email.We will process the application upon receiving the document from clients.
- VISHTECH reserves the right to amend the terms & conditions without any prior notice.
- Domain registration fee is strictly non refundable.
- For enquiries, please contact us.
- You do agree to our terms of service available here.